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The Inspire Children Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of disadvantaged children. We fund nonprofit projects that prevent and resolve the harmful effects of early childhood adversity. 

The Global Compassion Coalition is an organization that aims to promote, cultivate, and spread compassionate thinking, feeling, and action. Their mission is to create a world where people and nature are cared for and thrive. They have the resources to alleviate suffering and promote human flourishing. The organization supports training and coaching in compassion, builds compassionate workplaces, communities, and governments, and champions compassionate solutions to global crises.

The Children's Project

Developing Emotionally Healthy Children, Families, Schools and Communities 

Coalition of Schools Educating Mindfully

COSEM is a nonprofit organization that supports school communities by connecting them with with mentors, trainings, curriculums, and other mindfulness-based resources.  Our goal is to empower every educator to explore, personally practice, and then embed mindfulness within their classrooms. By joining forces and assisting each other as we implement holistic approaches to education, we will equip our entire nation's youth with skills to thrive. Although there is a fee to join COSEM nationally, in PA we remain a budding free community.

Rubye's Kids

The mission of Rubye's Kids, Inc. is to empower children living in poverty through joyful, enriching experiences that promote strong values, education, respect for self and others and commitment to community.

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